Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dorm Life...

If you are offended by explicitness, don't read this.

So we were listening to music, minding our own business, when we hear knocks on the door
So we're like
".... "yes?.....hello?"
quite audibly. No answer for 3 minutes. This happens again and again, and every time I open the door, no one is there.
Finally, we hear this knocking again, except this time it doesn't stop, so I WHOOSHED over
and opened the door and was like "HA!!!!"

And it was the Residence Director.

She said "Hi, can you guys please be a little more quiet? I've gotten some complaints about the music." We hadn't been listening to our music very loudly, not to mention that our dorm is often much louder at 10:35, and so this came as a bit of a shock. But she was nice enough about it so we, like the good samaritans we are, complied.

We started hearing these voices through our wall. Now, we live in the dorms, so the walls aren't exactly steel traps concerning sound, but you still have to be pretty loud in order to hear THROUGH the walls and make out exact words.
I only make note of this, because we heard their exact words, which were:
"like oh my god, I can't believe they were being so loud. I mean like, I was knocking on the door, and like, my room mate was too, and like, omg, they like, didn't answer. It's a Wednesday night, and I have like, class tomorrow, fucking cunts."

And we were like:

After about 5 minutes of hearing them calling us all sorts of horrible names, and complaining that we "didn't answer the door even though they knocked a lot," Juice gets fed up and walks with a haughty air about herself down to the Residence Director's room. I knocked on the door, and said, laughing a little bit,
"Hi, I just wanted to let you know that the people that complained about our music are now insulting us so loudly that we can hear them through our walls."
"Wow...I'm you want me to do anything...?"
"No, I think I can handle it. I just thought you would want to know."

And with that, I turned around and walked down the hallway. I stopped at the room next to us(the one with all the heinous "like omg" girls), and I knocked very politely on their door.
Who should answer, but the Peer Advocate(upper class-men living in freshman dorms to be there for hormonal freshmen and to keep the peace along with the RD's). So I just looked at her, because she was in her pajamas and clearly had been there for a while. I very bubbly and happily said
"Hi! I was just wondering if you guys could insult us a little bit more quietly, because we can hear you through the walls, and it's REALLY LOUD. Thanks! Goodnight!"
And then I gave them a death glare and turned and walked into my room and slammed the door.

We get yet another knock on our door, and who should I find standing there but the PA, who had not moments before been conversing with our dear friends. She was all
"Hi, it seems like you guys are having some noise issues, maybe we could all problem solve and set some ground rules"
And I was like "Yeah, hmmm, maybe when you guys stop calling us cunts" to which she looked all shocked and said
"oh, I wasn't there for that part"
So I said
"alright, well, maybe tomorrow. I gotta cool down for a while. Goodnight."

And that's how Alex and Jules spent the next 45 minutes laughing their asses off, and then went to play Skyrim.



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