Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Statistics, And How Drawing Can Sabotage An Otherwise Dull And Pointless Class

The class was going pretty well until Monday, when Alex and Jules lost their shit.

Our teacher, who is really usually helpful and smart but not a very happy-slappy guy, was having a day of great failure regarding the supposedly helpful notes he was supposed to be supplying. He wasn't supplying helpful notes. Someone clearly sprinkled crack in his cereal that morning, because he was just flying through a vast, chalky sky of ramblings. On and on he went, seemingly trying to convince us that we should care for regression lines as if they were our children, and cuddle them at night, and learn their deepest secrets even because they could be endangering themselves or others.
So about half way through the class, Alex drew this, tapped me on the shoulder, and it all went downhill from there.
Because then I drew this(in reference to

And then we both drew these in reference to this


And then I drew these. 

While she drew these.... 

"This is your brain....This is your brain on statistics"
and wrote "I used to plot statistics, but then I took an arrow to the knee(for all of those who don't play Skyrim like you should, that's what that quote is referencing)

And it was so, so very bad. We were both totally asphyxiating from laughing so hard, and trying really hard not to snort and our teacher kept completely ignoring us, which I think may have been worse than had he just thrown us out, was a rough day.
We still haven't really recovered.

--Jules and Alex

--EDIT-- I shit you not, he just said:

"Since we're getting into the part of our book concerning data gathering, so I thought it would be appropriate to...uh....gather some data." 

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