Monday, September 3, 2012

First Post!

First post ever.....Ok! here's what's gonna happen. Ready? 8D
We're going to tell you how this site will be run. Some posts will be by Jules, and others will be by Alex(the administrators of this whole operation.) We met the day we moved in together, kind of a Sherlock and John situation, except we don't have live in a flat and we don't shag each other when no one is watching.

No. We, like total champions, live in dorms because Freshmen aren't allowed to live off campus. Trust us, if we could live in a tent, off campus somewhere, we totally would... Yup. It's a pretty heinous life, actually. We're both really anti-social, and while we do really like each other, we don't really like anyone else. Thus suddenly living with lots of everyone forever is not a happy thing. Sure, there's our friends that we galloped away from, but here in the new, vast, and bold land of college...Whelp! There are a few pretty tolerable people here, and that's about it so far. 8|

We will now regale you with glorious tales of this thing called "College." Prepare to be regaled.

Here, have a really pretty picture drawn by Jules.

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